Smart Screen Wear Detector

Development of an online wear detection system for vibrating screen panels.

The goal of this project at Hermit Labs is to develop a solution which would alert the responsible authorities when the panel has worn out and therefore they can be prepared beforehand to replace the panels before they are completely worn out .

  • Client: Tega Industries
  • Technology: NodeJs | MongoDB | ExpressJS | MQTT | LoRA
  • Status: Testing Ongoing at Plant


Vibrating Screen Panels have to face very harsh conditions when tons of ore flow through them every second , due to this process the PU layer of the screens gradually decrease which ultimately leads to the degradation of the quality of ore and the commercial loss which is incurred due to the unscheduled maintenance of these panels . This project is being developed for the world’s second largest PU Screen manufacturers Tega Industries.

This project requires a hardware which shall be embedded on the panel and the data would be transmitted across various gateways finally into the cloud where these can be viewed in an intuitive dashboard .

The future scope of this project lies at analysing the data which have been fetched and predicting using Machine Learning algorithms the expected wear out time of the region of the screen where the panel is placed.

My contribution to this project is to develop the backend and the Middleware REST API which would collect the data from these devices .

Project Partners
Harish Mohanty , Abhijit Mishra

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